I always had so much fun with my friends in 4-H – and the snacks we ate kept me from getting hungry after school.
Andrea attended 4-H daily after school for over NINE YEARS. She started in kindergarten and yet she consistently enjoyed the fun, hands-on science activities that were planned each day.
(The spontaneous photo at left shows Andrea at a WSU 4-H summer camp - she looks confident and ready to take on the world!)
Andrea was PHYSICALLY ACTIVE planting trees, restoring animal habitats, pulling invasive weeds, growing gardens, cleaning beaches and such. The 4-H projects were MEANINGFUL for her as they truly made a positive difference in her community. For example, from the school bus window Andrea could see the trees growing along the shoreline that she and her friends had helped restore. She also learned to sew, cook, and speak in public. She had FUN with computers, ecology, video production, photography, robotics, rocketry and more!
Andrea never knew what to expect when she came to 4-H – it was a constant set of surprises with new and fun activities, and at the same time the committed, well-trained staff was consistently there for her. In fact Andrea’s 4-H leaders literally became part of her extended family.
One day Andrea’s 4-H leader brought in a script for a video that he was planning – surprisingly the words were all written backwards! He explained how they would eventually reverse the film on a computer to make the words sound like real language, but the look on Andrea’s face was hilarious. She started to slowly sound out the backwards sentences on camera and could barely continue since she was laughing so hard. But she and the others PERSISTED and completed the filming that day.
The next week her 4-H leader returned with the finished film and she was then able to see how the technology worked. Her interest piqued to the point that she asked the 4-H leaders if she could attend the annual camp at WSU that summer. With the TRUST built over the years and the confidence in the STABILITY of the 4-H program, Andrea’s mother was pleased to let her go. There she was able to explore more technologies and even learn sign language.
Now Andrea sees herself as a future college student, who can navigate complex subjects and who can pursue her passions and contribute her talents to the world.
4-H clubs and activities tap into the unique passions and interests of school-aged youth, sparking their imaginations to become the great thinkers and leaders of tomorrow!
Your financial support of Jefferson County 4-H helps youth like Andrea gain FREE access to high quality educational opportunities. Programs such as the 4-H Afterschool Program build HOPE where youth might face economic challenges, community isolation and limited access to resources.
Your donation today will make a positive difference in the life of a Jefferson County child.
You can give online at: http://4hclover.com
You can give online at: http://4hclover.com