More about the 4-H Robotics curriculum:
The Robotics curriculum was developed for youth in grades 4-12 and focuses on basic physical science concepts related to robotic systems, the scientific inquiry process, the engineering design process. The curriculum is comprised of three tracks: Virtual Robotics (DVD), Junk Drawer Robotics (Books), and Robotics Platforms (DVD).
Virtual Robotics Track (DVD. Includes a Facilitator Guide)
Youth will have opportunities to build and test virtual robots.
Level 1, Give Robots a Hand
Youth explore and learn about robot arms. Concepts covered include pnuematics, arm designs, and three-dimensional space.
Level 2, Robots on the Move
Youth learn about robots that move with legs, wheels and underwater.
Level 3, Mechatronics
Youth will explore sensors and analog and digital systems. The track introduces simple electronic components; youth will build basic circuits and investigate basic elements of programming and instructions for robotic computer control.
There is one Robotics Notebook for the three levels of the Junk Drawer Robotics curriculum. The notebook encourages youth to think and act like scientists and engineers. Each youth should have his or her own Robotics Notebook.
Youth will use commercial robotics kit to explore the world of robots. The activities developed for this track can be used with a variety of commercial kits, including NXT and Vex.
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