If you ever wonder how much value our WSU Extension 4-H teens get out of our program and the 4-H Know Your Government conference then take a look at the comments below. Thank you for all the incredible work you do as volunteers and staff to enrich the lives of our youth!
- Betsy Fradd, WSU Extension 4-H Media Relations Coordinator
Quotes from Know Your Government 2011 – Politics and the Media
I’ve learned responsibility, leadership and organizational skills through 4-H.
Alyx, Pend Oreille County
I learned about the strength of united people.
Paige, Walla Walla County
4-H, and Know Your Government, has taught me great networking and leadership skills.
Jayme, Island County
I learned how to shoot with a hand-held camera. I can’t wait to use these skills in my film career!
Naomi, King County
I’ve learned the difference between liberal and conservative views and how to write for a news broadcast.
Sidnee, Asotin County
I learned how to produce a video and excellent ways to make a youth’s voice heard in the community.
Katrina, Asotin County
I learned the power of partnership between teens and adults and how we can work together to make change.
Melissa, Thurston County
I have learned to branch out and that being out of my comfort zone is okay.
Kelsey, Island County
I have learned how to be a positive influence in my community and numerous leadership skills.
Baylee, Skagit County
I have learned many ways to help my community and to speak in front of large groups.
Lindsey, Skagit County
4-H has made me who I am today which is a young, motivated and responsible adult with tons and tons of leadership skills.
Amanda, Spokane County
I have learned how to be a better part of a team.
Haley, Snohomish County
I’ve learned tolerance!
Joann, Lincoln County
I’ve learned to take responsibility for my actions and how to be a leader.
Kelcey, Pend Oreille County
I learned the power of voice.
Shawntae, Spokane County
I have met people and become friends with both adults and teens and have learned organization, leadership and responsibility.
Bethany, Spokane County
From 4-H I’ve learned to never, ever give up.
Hannah, Skagit County
I learned the value of helping people.
Stephanie, Ferry County
I learned a lot about leadership and learning to listen to other people’s ideas.
Paul, Whatcom County
I’ve learned how to be a “people person.”
Corydon, Benton County
I’ve learned lots of leadership skills and opportunities through 4-H.
Nick, Whitman County