November, also known as "Movember" or "No shave November," is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. To support awareness, men are encouraged to grow out their mustache as a conversation starter. This started back in 2003 as a humorous way for a group of men to draw attention and spark conversation about the mustache, men's health and prostate cancer. Since then, the month-long event has turned in to a large-scale international fundraiser for various prostate cancer research efforts.
Through the website, I have set up a profile showcasing my mustache and supporting the cause. Through this profile, you can donate to the Prostate Cancer Foundation via my mustache!
Here's the profile:
Donate to Lee Routledge's mustache @ the link above and help support research that is accelerating the discovery of better treatments for prostate cancer. All donated funds go to the Prostate Cancer Foundation!