National 4-H Council has new campaign:

4-H is more than an organization, it is people. Our new campaign, “Join the Revolution of Responsibility” will tell the 4-H story in far more compelling terms than ever before. We’re showing the revolution through the lives of real 4-Her’s making a real impact in their communities and giving voice to the uncommon dedication and barrier-breaking commitment of the young people who are 4-H. This firsthand, pure truth will not only illustrate the real legacy of the 4-H movement, but will leave the viewer wanting to be a part of the 4-H experience.
- Learn how showing hogs eventually let Lindsay Binegar buy a house at the age of eighteen.
- Learn how the 4-H Tech Wizards were able to cross a digital divide in their community.
- Learn how the 4-H group in Wake County, NC was able to help their community find healthy food options.
These are just some of the ways that 4-Hers are starting a revolution.