Front l. to r.: Sue Hay, Abbi Robocker, Linda Barnfather (Legislative Assistant to Kevin Van De Wege), Hannah Tipton and Marianne Walters. Back l. to r.: Chloe Robocker, Kaylee Short, Kaila Janders, Sarah Chisick.
Jefferson County was well represented at 4-H Know Your Government (KYG) in Olympia, Washington from February 13-16, 2010. Six youth delegates, Sarah Chisick, Kaila Janders, Abbi Robocker, Chloe Robocker, Kaylee Short and Hannah Tipton, with lead chaperone, Sue Hay, experienced the roles of lobbyists and senators throughout the conference weekend at the Red Lion Inn.
One other youth, Angelina Pace, had extra responsibilities as a Conference Facilitator (CF). She and Core Committee (adult leadership) member, Marianne Walters, were in Olympia from Feb 12-16, helping to prepare and conduct the conference, after weekend training in January with seven other youth and 4-H adult staff and volunteers to plan the KYG 2010 experience.
Along with three other counties, Jefferson County KYG supported Senate Bill 5946 with following title: An act of protecting freedom of student press and speech. This bill addressed protection of student rights under the First Amendment. The bill sponsors were: McDemont, Murray, Keiser, Fairley, Kline, and Marr. The bill proposed to ensure free speech and free press protections of high school and college students in school-sponsored media. This was one of eleven bills passed in the mock legislature and presented to the Washington State Legislature February 16.
The delegates were busy with a rigorous schedule lobbying mock legislators, testifying before mock senate and house committees and floors, voting on bills, touring the capitol, meeting with real State Senators and Representatives, and having fun… challenge activities, dance, games, movies, shopping, and, of course, eating and making new friends from across the state.
Thanks to all who help support our county 4-H KYG program. For more information contact WSU Jefferson County Extension at 379-5610.