County and WSU staff unveiled Jefferson County’s new materials exchange website, called 2Good2Toss. Showing off the site are (from left) Al Cairns, Public Works; Dennis Bates, Public Works; Jack Reid, Public Works; Natalie Hobart, 4-H; Connie Templin, Public Works; Darrel Erfle, Public Works; Luke Turner, 4-H; and Pam Roberts, WSU. 2Good2Toss connects individuals interested in buying, selling or exchanging goods that are not quite ready for the landfill. County staff says the site could become a key marketplace for moving composting materials and other soil-building items.
By James Robinson of the Leader
Got compost? Composting materials? Fencing? An old but still serviceable washer or dryer, lumber or windows salvaged from a building project or remodel? Do you have items you’d like to get rid of, yet are still usable and aren’t really ready for the landfill? If the answer is yes, you’re in luck.
Through a partnership between Jefferson County 4-H teens, Washington State University (WSU) and staff with the county Public Works Department, county residents now have the ability to buy, sell, give away or trade a variety of items deemed “too good to toss” using a website funded in part by the Washington State Department of Ecology and Jefferson County.
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Congratulations especially to Luke Turner for his phenomenal tech work on this and many other projects in 4-H Network News!