Jefferson County 4-H Members View Charlotte's Web

Jefferson County 4-H members and their families enjoyed a special showing of Charlotte's Web on Saturday, December 30, 2006. Rocky Friedman, owner of the Rose Theatre in Port Townsend, opened his theatre to the 4-H youth organization as a special holiday get-together and fundraiser. Thank you, Rocky, for your generosity!

A video crew was on hand to film the event as part of an effort to create a video about 4-H for the upcoming Charlotte's Web DVD. 4-H would like to thank everyone who attend this event, especially those youth who starred in various sequences that were filmed. Thanks also to all the 4-H leaders who helped organize this event, as well as Chris Martin and Robert Force for their video and photography help!

Everyone showed once again that 4-H is all about Making the Best Better!

Teens attended the movie, too! (pictured are founding members of the 4-H Network News club: Daniel Bryant, Amy Bryant, Barbara Svetich, and Morgan Osmer. In back is Patricia Lamas of the Paws-N-Claws cat club.

Jack Olmsted, 4-H leader, films Hailey Mack and Nadia of the 4-H Camera Club at the Rose Theatre.

4-H members walk excitedly toward the theatre in anticipation of Charlotte's Web.