WSU President Elson Floyd (in the back with a red tie) is shown at Intellicheck Mobilisa in Port Townsend during his whirlwind day in Jefferson County! Others from left to right include: (TBD), (TBD), Jim Kropf (WSU Extension NW District Director), Shelby Smith (WSU Team Jefferson), Pres. Elson Floyd, Nelson Ludlow (Intellicheck Mobilisa owner), John Gardner (WSU Vice President of Economic Development and Global Engagement), L. Katherine Baril (Director of WSU Jefferson County Extension), Linda Fox (Associate Vice President and Dean of WSU Extension), Philip Morley (Jefferson County Administrator), Dan Bernardo (Dean of WSU College of Agriculture, Human and Natural Resources Sciences), (TBD), (TBD).
President Floyd visited Jefferson County as part of his Community Engagement - One County at a Time campaign - the express purpose of which is to visit all 39 counties in Washington State! We will be posting videos of his visit soon!