Matthew Elmore and Sophie Gilbert interview Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur!

Matthew Elmore, 4-H Network News reporter, talks with senior-most Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur during a June 18, 2008 4-H ceremony in Washington D.C. Matt was there covering the 4-H roll out of a Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) campaign to encourage more training across the United States in these areas. The theme of the campaign is:
One Million New Scientists.
One Million New Ideas.

As part of this effort, 4-H will be sponsoring an annual:

National Youth Science Day
October 8, 2008

Matt asked Congresswoman Kaptur about the importance of the United States staying competitive in the SET areas. Sophie Gilbert, 4-H Network News reporter, also had the chance to ask the Congresswoman about the important role of women in these areas.

Their video interview is shown below!

4-H interview with Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur of Ohio.