Ivey begins to grow in 4-H Franklin County, GA

For the past several years, the number of Franklin County students enrolled in the 4-H program has dwindled, but Brittany Ivey, the new county extension 4-H agent, hopes all that will change soon.

“The last few years the county hasn't had a 4-H agent,” Ivey said. “I'm hoping to get the program back up in the schools again.”

As the county extension 4-H agent, Ivey is responsible for conducting all of the 4-H club meetings and working with the students on any 4-H contests or district projects in which students participate.

“We have already sent letters out to the parents and I have had meetings at all of the elementary schools except for Carnesville and Central,” Ivey said. “Next week, I am taking a group of students to see ‘Charlotte's Web.' The new version actually promotes 4-H. Fern, who is played by Dakota Fanning, is part of 4-H.”

Along with helping students with any 4-H contests or projects they may undertake, Ivey will also be helping to develop the youth development program with the fifth graders.

“The teachers are so limited to the things they can teach in the classroom now because of curriculum requirements,” Ivey said. “I want to make sure we hit home with our projects so the kids can build self confidence they might not get the chance to learn in a regular classroom.”

To help boost the students self confidence and public speaking skills, Ivey has planned different projects for them on subjects in which they are interested. Once they do the project, they have to write a small speech and present it to a group of their peers. (Read More)

By Kandice Smith