Charlotte's Web Hollywood Premiere Interviews And IMDB Reviews interviewed a variety of stars on the red carpet at the Charlotte's Web Hollywood Premiere on December 10, 2006. Interviewee's: Scott Kay .... Wilbur (voice), Reba McEntire .... Betsy (voice), Nate Mooney, Lori Loughlin, Erin Sanders and Lauren Holly.

A Sample of Internet Movie Data Base User Reviews

This is not a heavy lesson on mature life issues. Laughter and joy permeate the film and puns and chuckles are everywhere throughout the film.The artistry of the film is outstanding. The farms and surroundings are idyllic. The synchronizing of the words and animal movements are right on. Everything on the screen leads you to believe the story is real. Author: tollini from United States

Bring your Kleenex. Maybe it's just coz I'm female, or maybe it's coz my mother read this book to me when I was little -- but every time a new word appeared in that web -- tears rolled down my cheeks! It's very charming. They have kept to the time frame of the book -- it looks like the 1930s-1950s. They haven't tried to "modernize" it with pop culture references and silly jokes like so many kids' movies nowadays do. Fern isn't break dancing with the pig. (No, there are no musical numbers.) Author: Kristen Kallahan from Seattle WA US

My favorite part was when everyone in the theater clapped. It was lovely. There was no reason anyone should be unsatisfied. The animation was fabulous and the casting was great, too. It was fun. I really feel like a child again. It brought back memories of my sweet childhood. Author: tiawilso from USA

Charlotte's Web is a feel good, heartwarming family movie which is suitable for this holiday season. It is uncomplicated, and has a simple message, but is engaging enough for both children and adults. A warning though, the movie is poignant yet hopeful, so to sentimental folks, a tissue or two will help. -Author: DICK STEEL from Singapore