Charlotte's Web: Rebirth of literary treasure

Movie Review

By Moira Macdonald
Seattle Times movie critic

"It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both." — E.B. White

But the film, directed by Gary Winick ("13 Going on 30") has a sweetness of its own. Dakota Fanning, in pigtails and overalls, brings eager energy to Fern, the farm girl who raises Wilbur. Ten-year-old Dominic Scott Kay gives a lilt to the voice of Wilbur, and Julia Roberts' matter-of-fact quality nicely suits Charlotte. Steve Buscemi is an inspired choice for the voice of Templeton the rat (who frequently speaks in sardonic third person, as in "The rat is losing his touch!"). And Charlotte's web-spinning sequences are nicely handled; she swoops and soars as she spells out "some pig" and "terrific," like a multi-legged ballerina. (Read More)